Jet_Smart_Filters Object
[version:Jet_Smart_Filters:private] => 3.4.2
[plugin_url:Jet_Smart_Filters:private] =>
[plugin_path:Jet_Smart_Filters:private] => /home/prdconfiauto/
[plugin_name] => jet-smart-filters/jet-smart-filters.php
[is_classic_admin] =>
[framework] => Jet_Smart_Filters_CX_Loader Object
[key:Jet_Smart_Filters_CX_Loader:private] => cherry_x_modules
[modules:Jet_Smart_Filters_CX_Loader:private] => Array
[0] => /home/prdconfiauto/
[1] => /home/prdconfiauto/
[2] => /home/prdconfiauto/
[3] => /home/prdconfiauto/
[4] => /home/prdconfiauto/
[5] => /home/prdconfiauto/
[modules_slugs:Jet_Smart_Filters_CX_Loader:private] => Array
[0] => cherry-x-interface-builder.php
[1] => cherry-x-post-meta.php
[2] => cherry-x-vue-ui.php
[3] => jet-dashboard.php
[4] => jet-elementor-extension.php
[5] => jet-admin-bar.php
[included_modules:Jet_Smart_Filters_CX_Loader:private] => Array
[cherry-x-interface-builder.php] => Array
[path] => /home/prdconfiauto/
[url] =>
[cherry-x-post-meta.php] => Array
[path] => /home/prdconfiauto/
[url] =>
[cherry-x-vue-ui.php] => Array
[path] => /home/prdconfiauto/
[url] =>
[jet-dashboard.php] => Array
[path] => /home/prdconfiauto/
[url] =>
[jet-elementor-extension.php] => Array
[path] => /home/prdconfiauto/
[url] =>
[jet-admin-bar.php] => Array
[path] => /home/prdconfiauto/
[url] =>
[post_type] => Jet_Smart_Filters_Post_Type Object
[post_type] => jet-smart-filters
[data] => Jet_Smart_Filters_Data Object
[filter_types] => Jet_Smart_Filters_Filter_Manager Object
[_filter_types:Jet_Smart_Filters_Filter_Manager:private] => Array
[checkboxes] => Jet_Smart_Filters_Checkboxes_Filter Object
[select] => Jet_Smart_Filters_Select_Filter Object
[range] => Jet_Smart_Filters_Range_Filter Object
[check-range] => Jet_Smart_Filters_Check_Range_Filter Object
[date-range] => Jet_Smart_Filters_Date_Range_Filter Object
[date-period] => Jet_Smart_Filters_Date_Period_Filter Object
[radio] => Jet_Smart_Filters_Radio_Filter Object
[rating] => Jet_Smart_Filters_Rating_Filter Object
[alphabet] => Jet_Smart_Filters_Alphabet_Filter Object
[search] => Jet_Smart_Filters_Search_Filter Object
[color-image] => Jet_Smart_Filters_Color_Image_Filter Object
[sorting] => Jet_Smart_Filters_Sorting_Filter Object
[active-filters] => Jet_Smart_Filters_Active_Filters Object
[pagination] => Jet_Smart_Filters_Pagination_Filter Object
[providers] => Jet_Smart_Filters_Providers_Manager Object
[_providers:Jet_Smart_Filters_Providers_Manager:private] => Array
[bricks-query-loop] => Jet_Smart_Filters\Bricks_Views\Filters\Provider Object
[query_id_class_prefix:protected] => jsfb-query--
[initial_cache_query_loops] =>
[_provider_settings:Jet_Smart_Filters_Providers_Manager:private] => Array
[provider_preloader] => Jet_Smart_Filters_Provider_Preloader Object
[is_enabled] => false
[fixed_position] => false
[fixed_edge_gap] => 80
[type] => circle-clip-growing
[styles] => Array
[use_bg] =>
[size] => 45
[color] => #007cba
[border_radius] => 5
[bg_color] => #fff
[padding] => Array
[top] => 10
[right] => 10
[bottom] => 10
[left] => 10
[is_linked] => true
[css] =>
[type_options] => Array
[0] => Array
[value] => circle-clip-growing
[label] => Circle clip growing
[1] => Array
[value] => circle-clip
[label] => Circle clip
[2] => Array
[value] => circle
[label] => Circle
[3] => Array
[value] => lines-wave
[label] => Lines wave
[4] => Array
[value] => lines-pulse
[label] => Lines pulse
[5] => Array
[value] => lines-pulse-rapid
[label] => Lines pulse rapid
[6] => Array
[value] => cube-grid
[label] => Cube grid
[7] => Array
[value] => cube-folding
[label] => Cube folding
[8] => Array
[value] => wordpress
[label] => Wordpress
[9] => Array
[value] => hash
[label] => Hash
[10] => Array
[value] => dots-grid-pulse
[label] => Dots grid pulse
[11] => Array
[value] => dots-grid-beat
[label] => Dots grid beat
[12] => Array
[value] => dots-circle
[label] => Dots circle
[13] => Array
[value] => dots-pulse
[label] => Dots pulse
[14] => Array
[value] => dots-elastic
[label] => Dots elastic
[15] => Array
[value] => dots-carousel
[label] => Dots carousel
[16] => Array
[value] => dots-windmill
[label] => Dots windmill
[17] => Array
[value] => dots-triangle-path
[label] => Dots triangle path
[18] => Array
[value] => dots-bricks
[label] => Dots bricks
[19] => Array
[value] => dots-fire
[label] => Dots fire
[20] => Array
[value] => dots-rotate
[label] => Dots rotate
[21] => Array
[value] => dots-bouncing
[label] => Dots bouncing
[22] => Array
[value] => dots-chasing
[label] => Dots chasing
[23] => Array
[value] => dots-propagate
[label] => Dots propagate
[24] => Array
[value] => dots-spin-scale
[label] => Dots spin scale
[preloader_structure:Jet_Smart_Filters_Provider_Preloader:private] => Array
[circle-clip] => 1
[circle] => 2
[lines-wave] => 5
[lines-pulse] => 5
[lines-pulse-rapid] => 5
[cube-grid] => 9
[cube-folding] => 4
[wordpress] => 2
[hash] => 2
[dots-grid-pulse] => 9
[dots-grid-beat] => 9
[dots-circle] => 12
[dots-pulse] => 3
[dots-elastic] => 3
[dots-carousel] => 1
[dots-windmill] => 3
[dots-triangle-path] => 3
[dots-bricks] => 3
[dots-fire] => 3
[dots-rotate] => 1
[dots-bouncing] => 3
[dots-chasing] => 1
[dots-propagate] => 6
[dots-spin-scale] => 2
[widgets] =>
[query] => Jet_Smart_Filters_Query_Manager Object
[_query] => Array
[_default_query:Jet_Smart_Filters_Query_Manager:private] => Array
[_query_settings:Jet_Smart_Filters_Query_Manager:private] => Array
[_props:Jet_Smart_Filters_Query_Manager:private] => Array
[bricks-query-loop] => Array
[default] => Array
[found_posts] => 103
[max_num_pages] => 9
[page] => 1
[provider:Jet_Smart_Filters_Query_Manager:private] =>
[is_ajax_filter:Jet_Smart_Filters_Query_Manager:private] =>
[render] => Jet_Smart_Filters_Render Object
[_rendered_providers:Jet_Smart_Filters_Render:private] => Array
[request_query_vars:Jet_Smart_Filters_Render:private] => Array
[0] => tax
[1] => meta
[2] => date
[3] => sort
[4] => alphabet
[5] => _s
[6] => search
[7] => pagenum
[8] => plain_query
[services] => Jet_Smart_Filters_Services Object
[filters] => Jet_Smart_Filters_Service_Filters Object
[_multilingual:Jet_Smart_Filters_Service_Filters:private] => Jet_Smart_Filters_Admin_Multilingual_Support Object
[is_Enabled] =>
[filter] => Jet_Smart_Filters_Service_Filter Object
[serialized_data_keys] => Array
[0] => _source_manual_input
[1] => _source_color_image_input
[2] => _source_manual_input_range
[3] => _ih_source_map
[4] => _data_exclude_include
[_adata:Jet_Smart_Filters_Service_Filter:private] => Jet_Smart_Filters_Admin_Data Object
[taxonomy_options] => Array
[category] => Categorias
[post_tag] => Etiquetas
[nav_menu] => Menus de navegação
[link_category] => Categorias de ligação
[post_format] => Formatos
[wp_theme] => Temas
[wp_template_part_area] => Áreas da parte do modelo
[wp_pattern_category] => Categorias de padrões
[combustivel] => Combustíveis
[marca] => Marcas
[modelo] => Modelos
[tag_viatura] => Tags
[template_tag] => Tag do template
[template_bundle] => Conjunto de templates
[rank_math_redirection_category] => Redirection Categories
[post_types_options] => Array
[post] => Artigos
[page] => Páginas
[attachment] => Multimédia
[viatura] => Viaturas
[bricks_template] => Meus templates
[date_formats_info] =>
- d - day of month;
- dd - day of month with leading zero;
- D - short day name;
- DD - full day name;
- m - month of year;
- mm - month of year with leading zero;
- M - short month name;
- MM - full month name;
- y - year (two digit);
- yy - year (four digit);
To set the limit by date, fill in the date in the following format - "2020-05-25".
You can also use the keyword "current" instead of the year, month, or day. Example: current - current - 15 - the limit will be the 15th of the current year and month.
To set the limit by the current date, fill in - "today". Plus date operations are available with the following structure: + or - N number and unit of the date such as day(s), week(s), month(s) or year(s). Example: today + 3 days.
If the field is empty there will be no limits on the date
[settings_data] => Array
[labels] => Array
[_filter_label] => Array
[type] => text
[title] => Filter Label
[_active_label] => Array
[type] => text
[title] => Active Filter Label
[settings] => Array
[_filter_type] => Array
[type] => type_selector
[title] => Filter Type
[options] => Array
[checkboxes] => Array
[label] => Checkboxes list
[img] =>
[info] =>
[select] => Array
[label] => Select
[img] =>
[range] => Array
[label] => Range
[img] =>
[check-range] => Array
[label] => Check Range Filter
[img] =>
[date-range] => Array
[label] => Date Range
[img] =>
[date-period] => Array
[label] => Date Period
[img] =>
[radio] => Array
[label] => Radio
[img] =>
[rating] => Array
[label] => Rating
[img] =>
[alphabet] => Array
[label] => Alphabet
[img] =>
[search] => Array
[label] => Search
[img] =>
[color-image] => Array
[label] => Visual
[img] =>
[deselect] => 1
[_is_hierarchical] => Array
[type] => switcher
[title] => Is hierarchical
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => select
[_ih_source_map] => Array
[type] => repeater
[title] => Filter hierarchy
[add_label] => New Level
[fields] => Array
[label] => Array
[type] => text
[title] => Label
[placeholder] => Array
[type] => text
[placeholder] => Select...
[title] => Placeholder
[tax] => Array
[type] => select
[title] => Taxonomy
[placeholder] => Taxonomy...
[options] => Array
[category] => Categorias
[post_tag] => Etiquetas
[nav_menu] => Menus de navegação
[link_category] => Categorias de ligação
[post_format] => Formatos
[wp_theme] => Temas
[wp_template_part_area] => Áreas da parte do modelo
[wp_pattern_category] => Categorias de padrões
[combustivel] => Combustíveis
[marca] => Marcas
[modelo] => Modelos
[tag_viatura] => Tags
[template_tag] => Tag do template
[template_bundle] => Conjunto de templates
[rank_math_redirection_category] => Redirection Categories
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => select
[_is_hierarchical] => 1
[_data_source] => Array
[type] => select
[title] => Data Source
[placeholder] => Select data source...
[options] => Array
[taxonomies] => Taxonomies
[manual_input] => Manual Input
[posts] => Posts
[custom_fields] => Custom Fields
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => Array
[0] => checkboxes
[1] => select
[2] => radio
[3] => color-image
[_is_hierarchical!] => 1
[_source_manual_input] => Array
[type] => repeater
[title] => Options List
[add_label] => New Option
[fields] => Array
[label] => Array
[type] => text
[title] => Label
[value] => Array
[type] => text
[title] => Value
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => Array
[0] => checkboxes
[1] => select
[2] => radio
[_data_source] => manual_input
[_source_taxonomy] => Array
[type] => select
[title] => Taxonomy
[value] => category
[options] => Array
[category] => Categorias
[post_tag] => Etiquetas
[nav_menu] => Menus de navegação
[link_category] => Categorias de ligação
[post_format] => Formatos
[wp_theme] => Temas
[wp_template_part_area] => Áreas da parte do modelo
[wp_pattern_category] => Categorias de padrões
[combustivel] => Combustíveis
[marca] => Marcas
[modelo] => Modelos
[tag_viatura] => Tags
[template_tag] => Tag do template
[template_bundle] => Conjunto de templates
[rank_math_redirection_category] => Redirection Categories
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => Array
[0] => checkboxes
[1] => select
[2] => radio
[3] => color-image
[_data_source] => taxonomies
[_terms_relational_operator] => Array
[type] => select
[title] => Relational Operator
[value] => OR
[options] => Array
[OR] => Union
[AND] => Intersection
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => checkboxes
[_data_source] => taxonomies
[_placeholder] => Array
[type] => text
[title] => Placeholder
[placeholder] => Select...
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => select
[_data_source!] =>
[_is_hierarchical!] => 1
[_source_manual_input_range] => Array
[type] => repeater
[title] => Options List
[add_label] => New Option
[fields] => Array
[min] => Array
[type] => text
[title] => Min Value
[placeholder] => 0
[max] => Array
[type] => text
[title] => Max Value
[placeholder] => 100
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => check-range
[_source_callback] => Array
[type] => select
[title] => Get min/max dynamically
[value] => none
[options] => Array
[none] => None
[jet_smart_filters_woo_prices] => WooCommerce min/max prices
[jet_smart_filters_meta_values] => Get from Post Meta by query meta key
[jet_smart_filters_term_meta_values] => Get from Term Meta by query meta key
[jet_smart_filters_user_meta_values] => Get from User Meta by query meta key
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => range
[_source_min] => Array
[type] => number
[title] => Min Value
[placeholder] => 0
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => range
[_source_callback] => none
[_source_max] => Array
[type] => number
[title] => Max Value
[placeholder] => 100
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => range
[_source_callback] => none
[_source_step] => Array
[type] => number
[title] => Step
[description] => 1, 10, 100, 0.1 etc
[placeholder] => 1
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => range
[_values_prefix] => Array
[type] => text
[title] => Values prefix
[value] =>
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => Array
[0] => range
[1] => check-range
[_values_suffix] => Array
[type] => text
[title] => Values suffix
[value] =>
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => Array
[0] => range
[1] => check-range
[_range_inputs_enabled] => Array
[type] => switcher
[title] => Inputs enabled
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => range
[_range_inputs_separators_enabled] => Array
[type] => switcher
[title] => Inputs separators enabled
[description] => Apply thousands and decimal separators to inputs
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => range
[_range_inputs_enabled] => 1
[_values_decimal_num] => Array
[type] => number
[title] => Number of decimals
[min] => 0
[max] => 10
[placeholder] => 0
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => Array
[0] => range
[1] => check-range
[_values_decimal_sep] => Array
[type] => text
[title] => Decimal separator
[placeholder] => .
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => Array
[0] => range
[1] => check-range
[_values_thousand_sep] => Array
[type] => text
[title] => Thousands separator
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => Array
[0] => range
[1] => check-range
[_date_source] => Array
[type] => select
[title] => Filter by
[placeholder] => Select date source...
[options] => Array
[meta_query] => Meta Date
[date_query] => Post Date
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => Array
[0] => date-range
[1] => date-period
[_date_type] => Array
[type] => select
[title] => Date Type
[value] => date
[options] => Array
[date] => Posted
[m_date] => Modified
[conditions] => Array
[_date_source] => date_query
[_date_format] => Array
[type] => text
[title] => Date Format
[value] => mm/dd/yy
[placeholder] => mm/dd/yy
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => date-range
[_date_source!] =>
[_date_from_placeholder] => Array
[type] => text
[title] => From Placeholder
[value] =>
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => date-range
[_date_source!] =>
[_date_to_placeholder] => Array
[type] => text
[title] => To Placeholder
[value] =>
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => date-range
[_date_source!] =>
[_date_period_type] => Array
[type] => select
[title] => Period Type
[placeholder] => Select period type...
[options] => Array
[range] => Custom range
[day] => Day
[week] => Week
[month] => Month
[year] => Year
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => date-period
[_date_source!] =>
[_date_period_datepicker_button_text] => Array
[type] => text
[title] => Datepicker Button Text
[value] => Select Date
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => date-period
[_date_source!] =>
[_date_period_type!] =>
[_date_available_range] => Array
[type] => select
[title] => Available dates range
[value] => all
[options] => Array
[all] => All dates
[future] => Future dates
[past] => Past dates
[custom] => Custom dates
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => Array
[0] => date-range
[1] => date-period
[_date_available_range_custom_min] => Array
[type] => text
[title] => Minimum possible date to select
[conditions] => Array
[_date_available_range] => custom
[_date_available_range_custom_max] => Array
[type] => text
[title] => Maximum possible date to select
[conditions] => Array
[_date_available_range] => custom
[_date_available_range_custom_info] => Array
[type] => html
[fullwidth] => 1
[html] => You can also use the keyword "current" instead of the year, month, or day. Example: current - current - 15 - the limit will be the 15th of the current year and month.
To set the limit by the current date, fill in - "today". Plus date operations are available with the following structure: + or - N number and unit of the date such as day(s), week(s), month(s) or year(s). Example: today + 3 days.
If the field is empty there will be no limits on the date
To set the limit by date, fill in the date in the following format - "2020-05-25".
You can also use the keyword "current" instead of the year, month, or day. Example: current - current - 15 - the limit will be the 15th of the current year and month.
To set the limit by the current date, fill in - "today". Plus date operations are available with the following structure: + or - N number and unit of the date such as day(s), week(s), month(s) or year(s). Example: today + 3 days.
If the field is empty there will be no limits on the date
[conditions] => Array
[_date_available_range] => custom
[_date_period_start_end_enabled] => Array
[type] => switcher
[title] => Start/End Date Period Enabled
[value] => 1
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => date-period
[_date_source!] =>
[_date_period_type!] =>
[_date_period_format] => Array
[type] => text
[title] => Date Period Format
[placeholder] => mm/dd/yy
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => date-period
[_date_source!] =>
[_date_period_type!] =>
[_date_period_start_end_enabled] =>
[_date_period_start_format] => Array
[type] => text
[title] => Start Format
[description] => If Period Type is Day, only this value will be taken
[placeholder] => mm/dd/yy
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => date-period
[_date_source!] =>
[_date_period_type!] =>
[_date_period_start_end_enabled] => 1
[_date_period_separator] => Array
[type] => text
[title] => Separator
[placeholder] => -
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => date-period
[_date_source!] =>
[_date_period_type!] =>
[_date_period_start_end_enabled] => 1
[_date_period_end_format] => Array
[type] => text
[title] => End Format
[placeholder] => mm/dd/yy
[conditions] => Array
[_filter_type] => date-period
[_date_source!] =>
[_date_period_type!] =>
[_date_period_start_end_enabled] => 1
[_date_period_date_formats_info] => Array
[type] => html
[title] => Date Formats
[fullwidth] => 1
[html] => You can also use the keyword "current" instead of the year, month, or day. Example: current - current - 15 - the limit will be the 15th of the current year and month.
To set the limit by the current date, fill in - "today". Plus date operations are available with the following structure: + or - N number and unit of the date such as day(s), week(s), month(s) or year(s). Example: today + 3 days.
If the field is empty there will be no limits on the date
- d - day of month;
- dd - day of month with leading zero;
- D - short day name;
- DD - full day name;
- m - month of year;
- mm - month of year with leading zero;
- M - short month name;
- MM - full month name;
- y - year (two digit);
- yy - year (four digit);
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